Hero saves the day…

With all the house structural changes it’s confusing to think about the changes needed for the water, drainage and gas.

So whilst surveying the drain with a camera we realised that a root had penetrated the pipe! So our priorities had to change slightly and focus on our new family bathroom sooner than we expected.

So today the guys were tasked with digging up the utility room floor to run a new soil pipe…unfortunately we didn’t expect that there would be water pipes in the floor but there was and the hot water pipe was ruptured accidentally.  I wasn’t home, but thankfully they worked out how to turn the water off, to stop the flood! 💧💦💧💦💧(Not sure I would have been any help anyway!! 😳)

When I returned they were so apologetic but as I said ‘these things happen and it can be sorted’. A phone call to our trusty family Southend, Essex plumber Nick Bettis at ICUPlumbing@hotmail.com he was super calm and came to the rescue.

See ‘you don’t have to be a firefighter to be  a hero’ – lucky for me I have a firefighter hubby anyway, but he was at work so Nick was my stand-in! 😂

The morale of this is to have a strong team of reliable people to help in any emergency and have phone numbers saved to your phone.


Wow…we are progressing faster than I expected

  • It’s been 5 weeks since we officially started and I am super impressed with the speed things are progressed, having commissioned Dave Gell Building Services to help us with the structural changes, my hubby and I have been overjoyed with how far we have come in a short period.
  • RSJ’s are all in place
  • Footings dug, checked and filled
  • Goal posting for bi-fold doors completed
  • Bi-fold door frames fitted by Shard Solutions
  • Majority of rafters fitted in loft
  • Main dormer built
  • Main dormer roof in place
  • Hole cut ready for new stairs
  • 7 new windows fitted by Shard Solutions
  • Render completed on 2 front walls by Lee Rowe
  • Scratch coat on rear of house by Lee Rowe

Now to living through it…I will admit it has been a challenge to carry on living whilst this is going on but the light at the end of the tunnel for me has been to focus on the next stage. Being able to tick off the checklist of tasks provides euphoric moments of pleasure for me. 😉

Staying on top of the cleaning and realising that this is just a temporary state of living.

Focusing on the end game at each stage is key, not looking too far ahead but staying in touch with the next decision is also a good plan. Example…when ordering the bi-folds we needed to know what floor covering we’ll be having to get the measurements right, this wasn’t something I was ready for…all hands to the pumps!

Anyway a few photos to show our progress